Goal Setting

Having kids think ahead and write down short and long term goals is a good way for them to practise their writing skills, not to mention, it helps them plan ahead – a good skill to acquire.  Goal setting for kids can be as simple as jotting down what games they’d like to play with their friends, what positive change in behaviour they’d like to make towards family members and friends, what books they’d like to read, or what chapters they’d like to complete for the week.  Goals can also include what they’d like to do for themselves to stay healthy, what they’d like to improve in or what reasonable items they’d like you to buy for them (this can help them with their persuasive writing skills or reasoning skills.  New Year’s Resolutions do not have to be made only in January, but for all the months of the year.  Weekly goals are a fun way of writing if kids do not want to reflect in a personal journal.  When you write down your goals or to-do list, this is a great opportunity for kids to do so as well.