Afterschool Routines

When children get home from school, the first thing they want to do is relax, eat, play, and/or spend time in front of the computer or T.V.  By the time they are ready to do homework, their brain is already in shut-down mode.  My advice to parents is really try to get kids to do their homework either right after school while munching on a snack or not to wait too long to get started.  I know, easier said then done, but doing what’s right is often harder than doing what’s nice.  It is fine for kids to relax after a long day at school, but they should try not to wait too long before getting started with homework.  Right before bedtime may not be a good idea, because they’ll be too tired.  Also, after completion, homework should be placed right into their school bag, not left on the kitchen table.  This way, they’ll know that they will have the homework ready for the teacher the next day.